Winterizing Tips From a Local Heating Company in Lakewood

by | Oct 14, 2021 | Roofing Services

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As the days get shorter, we all know that colder weather is just around the corner. Long gone will be the days when we are running our AC units, but those days will be back before we know it. To ensure that your AC condenser is ready for next summer, here are some of the best winterizing tips from a local heating company in Lakewood.

Clean Your AC Condenser

Most AC units installed by companies such as Comfy Cave Heating & Air are placed outside where they are constantly exposed to the elements. During the spring and summer months, your condenser becomes quite dirty.

Before you close it down for the winter, take a few minutes to clean it with a hose to remove any dust or soil buildup. Cut back any weeds and pick up all debris surrounding the unit.

Cover the Unit

Once it’s clean and turned off for the season, cover it. You can purchase a cover designed for AC units at most local home improvement stores, or you can use a tarp weighted down with rocks. The purpose of the cover is to prevent dust and debris from entering the condenser, so even a sheet of plywood placed over the top will work as long as it’s secured.

Change Your Filters

You should be regularly changing your filters throughout the year, but at the very least, change them at the end of summer. Your local heating company in Lakewood will tell you that changing your filters keeps your entire system running smoothly and is the best way to avoid costly repairs.

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