X-Rays Your Dentist in Richmond May Order

by | Jul 8, 2014 | Dentist

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Seeing a Dentist in Richmond often involves a rudimentary to comprehensive examination of a dental patient’s mouth. Looking at a person’s mouth and areas surrounding the mouth does not always reveal all the information needed to properly diagnose dental diseases and conditions. An X-ray is a useful tool to view the internal parts of the body. Learning about the dental X-rays will allow you to feel more comfortable when this diagnostic tool is used on you.

Dental x-rays fall into two categories: intraoral X-rays and extraoral X-rays. Extraoral X-rays are pictures taken outside the mouth. These images are produced to show the teeth, jaws, and skull. Not being as detailed as intraoral X-rays, these images are used to view impacted teeth; observe jaw growth and development in relation to teeth; and to find problems with the temporomandibular joint. Other bones of the face are examined as well using extraoral X-rays. Intraoral X-rays are digital images taken inside the mouth. This picture is very thorough and is used to monitor development of teeth; find dental decay and diseases; and observe the general condition of a person’s dental health.

The different intraoral X-rays include:

1. Bite-wing X-rays
2. Periapical X-rays
3. Occlucal X-rays

Various extraoral X-rays a dentist may use include:

1. Computed tomography
2. Tomograms
3. Panaramic X-rays
4. Sialography

A Dentist in Richmond will decide which X-rays are needed based on criteria such as age and medical health. These images may also be ordered when a dentist wants to monitor the condition of a patient’s mouth over a period of time. If a repeat patient is at high risk for dental disease, a dentist may be cautious by using X-rays to determine the presence of dental disease.

In general, a child who is a new patient will be x-rayed to see how their teeth are erupting. Adults will usually be x-rayed if there is an indication of dental disease upon a clinical exam of the mouth. Adolescents are usually x-rayed every 18 to 36 months.

By being well-informed about X-rays and how they benefit your dental and overall health, you can make your dental visits more productive. You are the best advocate you have for your dental health so know what is being done to your mouth. For more information, please Visit Website of Making Beautiful Smiles. These professionals can enhance the health and aesthetic of your smile.

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