If you have been in a serious car accident, you need someone who is going to give you accurate answers. After all, you have a lot of financial problems that are waiting for you. You need to know for sure that things are going to work out the way that they need to.
The first thing that you want to do is to get yourself checked out by a medical professional. This way, you will have a better idea of what type of injuries you are looking at. It’s important to understand that your medical insurance is not going to pay for any bills regarding this accident. You will have to pay for them yourself, and then ask to be reimbursed. Always make sure that you save all receipts from this accident.
Now, it’s time to think about getting your car repaired. Your car accident lawyer in Mt. Vernon, IL will talk with the other driver and their insurance company, if necessary. This way, they can work on getting you the money you need right away. After all, your car is in the body shop, and you need a way to pay for it to get fixed. You can pay for it out of your own pocket, or you can hire an attorney at Olson & Reeves in Mt. Vernon, IL to help you to get reimbursed.
Your car accident lawyer in Mt. Vernon, IL is going to be there by your side until your case has been settled. In the meantime, just be patient and understand that they are doing everything they can to work with you and answer your questions. If you receive a phone call from the other driver or their insurance company, don’t talk to them. Instead, give them the name and phone number of your lawyer. This way, you will know for certain that you are not going to answer any questions inappropriately. They may even try to trick you into settling out of the courtroom. Always refer their phone calls to your lawyer, and you will know for certain that everything will work out.